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Analysis of the event "Death of the dancers of the Colon Theater", which occurred on 10.10.1971, at 7 p.m., in Buenos Aires, from the point of view of elective astrology.

Writer: José CibilsJosé Cibils

On the aforementioned date and time, the plane carrying the main internationally renowned dancers of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, who were to perform in the south of the country, departed on the following day and time

The aircraft fell into the waters of the Paraná River a few minutes after takeoff from Aeroparque and there were no survivors.

To make the chart I take the ship's departure time.

This is what William Lilly writes about the fate of ships at sea, in CA, p. 157:

"Generally, the rising sign and the Moon are significators of the ship and the goods it carries. If ... both are in affliction, that is, if a malefic is in the ASC, or has dignities in the 8th house; or if the ruler of the ASC is in the 8th, 12th, 4th or 6th; or the Moon is warped or underground, it may be concluded that the ship is lost and so is the crew (unless there is reception among them). In this case it could be that the ship is wrecked, but that part of the crew is saved. But if all the mentioned signifiers are free from affliction, both people and goods will be safe. And even more so if there is reception. If the ASC and the Moon are unlucky and the ruler of the ASC is well positioned, the ship may be wrecked, but its crew will be safe."

Key points of Lilly's approach (synthesized by A.Louis in his blog (Titanic Tourist Mini-sub Goes Missing | Anthony Louis - Astrology & Tarot Blog (

1. The ship is signified by the sign of the Asc, the ruler of the Asc and the Moon.

2. Is there a malevolent planet in the 1st house and with dignities in the 8th house?

3. Is the Asc regent on the 8th?

4. Is the ruler of the Asc in ANY configuration with the rulers of the 8th, 12th, 4th or 6th houses?

5. Is the Moon warped?

6. Is the Moon below the horizon?

In our case, the ship would be the plane. We see that the ASC is Aries and Mars is the ruler of Hause 8.

In turn, in the 8 we observe the presence of Jupiter, ruler of the 12, and Neptune (modern ruler of Pisces, death in water).

The Moon is in its domicile, in Cancer, below the horizon and for a few minutes does not reach conjunction with the 4th house, of the endings, but rules it.

Mars is forming a separative trine with Mercury, ruler of 6, in which we also note the presence of Pluto, modern ruler of 8, and the stellium Uranus/Mercury/Lilith/Sun.

This stellium is very important and malefic, since Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius , sign in which Mars is found.

Saturn, its traditional ruler, is retrograde, in the 2nd house, in mutually applicative opposition with Jupiter, ruler of the 12th.

The ruler of the planets in stellium is Venus, from the 7th House, of the destiny of the journey, in the 28° degree of Libra, very close to losing its essential dignity, when it passes into Scorpio.

At the same time, it is worth noting the pernicious applicative quadrature of the Moon with Uranus, from the 3rd (in short, it was a very short trip) to the 6th.

The Moon is the universal significator of the question, and its outcome (if in this case it were a hypothetical elective chart). That Uranus square is usually present in charts of catastrophes or major accidents.

(As for example in the tragedy of the local "Cromañón", Buenos Aires, Argentina, and in the implosion of the submarine "Titanic", explained by Anthony Louis).

In other words, this letter fulfills, as we can see, several of William Lilly's requirements to consider a ship as a casualty.

The Sun is also important as it rules the 5th house, of art. And the purpose of the flight was to take elite artists to a performance. In this case it acts as an accidental malefic, being conjunct Mercury (rH6) and Uranus (rH11 and Mars), which it combusts.

I would like to mention that that day, October 10, 1971, had a very special resonance for me. With a group of friends we had spent the weekend at a camping site on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

It was reached by walking along the railroad tracks and down a fairly high embankment. As fate would have it, one of our companions tripped on the way down and fell.

Apparently nothing happened to him and we continued celebrating.

When we returned early Monday morning to Buenos Aires, we learned of the dancers' tragedy and a few days later our injured friend died unexpectedly. It is believed that the fall on the embankment had something to do with his death.

Coincidentally, I find on the internet, that on the same day, October 10, 71, another similar aviation accident occurred in Moscow.

It was Aeroflot flight 773, which departed from Vnucobo Airport (Moscow) to Ukraine at 8:16 pm. A few minutes later it fell to the ground due to a bomb explosion.

Its 25 crew members died, including actress Raisa Zvereva.

An incredible parallelism with the flight out of Aeroparque.

On the internet I found brief references to this actress, whose last film curiously dates back to 1971.

Chart of Aeroflot flight 773, which took off from Moscow on October 10, 1971, at 20:16 hs.

Following the criteria applied to the first chart we see that the ruler of the ASC, Mercury, is combust and in conjunction with Uranus, which is a necessary participant in this kind of tragic events.

As the stellium is in the 5th house, ruled by Mercury, we might think that the actress Zverova was perhaps not the only artist on board the plane.

Saturn, ruler of the 8th house, is placed in the 12th and has a curious relationship with Mars, which cannot be called "mutual reception", but both "rule" each other. Mars rules the 12th, where Saturn is, although in Gemini, and Saturn rules the 10th and Mars.

Also to 9 from 12. We could interpret this as a fact guided by ideologies, in this case political or terrorist ones.

Mercury, (rC6) is making a separative trine with Mars (the bomb), the most elevated planet, ruler of the 12th and co-ruler of the 6th, where Scorpio is intercepted.

(An intercepted sign, among other things, can indicate "hidden" things. Scorpio, ruled by Mars in the 10th and ruler of the 12th, could well be associated with that bomb, which nobody saw, hidden somewhere in the ship).

The same happens with Uranus, signifier of sudden events, and utopian, revolutionary ideas, modern ruler of 10. The Sun, ruler of the 4, of the endings, (in whose cusp we find the South Node), is forming an applicative trine with Mars.

Venus, ruler of the stellium, with essential dignity, which she will soon lose because she is at 28° Libra, is in the 6th house, which she rules.

Saturn, retrograde at 6° of Gemini, ruler of the 8th, is making a mutually applicative opposition with Jupiter, ruler of the 7th house, of the destination to which the trip is headed. Could we say that the plane is heading towards death?

The 10th house, of public "success" (in this case of achieving political plans through a terrorist act) is highly favored by these trines, which have not yet been perfected, but are already partile. It guarantees the explosion of the bomb....

The Moon, below the horizon line, signifier of the question (if we take this chart as a hypothetical elective) and of the outcome, is very strong for its essential dignity, and goes into an applicative square to the Uranus/Sun/Mercury stellium. Lilith, symbol of "the hidden rage", is also part of it.

This quadrature could be the main cause of the tragic event.

As we can see, the conditions set forth by W. Lilly regarding "sunken ships" are also met here. In this case, an airplane.

Returning to the first chart, that of the dancers of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, and since we have analyzed it as if it were a hypothetical "elective", we must "root" it, that is, see the coincidences with the querent's natal chart.

I found the date of birth of two of the most important dancers, members of the deceased group:

Norma Fontenla, June 28, 1930, Buenos Aires. Not having her birth time, I use as ASC the astrogrammatic degree of her name (3° of Taurus).

It is the planetary hour of the Sun.

First of all, we see in this chart an applicative opposition Sun / Saturn, between the 3rd and 9th houses, a Saturn / Uranus square, between the 9th and 12th houses, and a Uranus / Pluto square, between the 12th and 3rd houses.

Comparing this chart with that of the accident, we find the following coincidences:

(inside, Fontenla (NF); outside, accident)

Comparison (synastry) between NF and the event

The ASC of the event falls exactly on NF's Uranus, which makes a partile opposition to the stellium Uranus/Lilith/Sun, and with a little more orb, Mercury of the event. This stellium forms a square with NF's Pluto.

The Mars/NN conjunction of the event falls on the MC of NF and the midpoint of that conjunction is just over Lilith of NF. This conjunction is also squaring NF's Mars/Chiron conjunction at its C1.

The IC of the event (conjunct the Moon) is conjunct NF's Pluto.

The Moon of the event makes a partile opposition to NF Saturn.

There are more coincidences, but those cited are more than eloquent and prove, on the other hand, that the chart made on the basis of the astrogrammatic degree of the name works!

In NF's annual prophecy for 1971, we see that it falls in Libra. Therefore, one of the "chronocrators" of the year is Venus, ruler of her 6th house, of illnesses and problems.

Venus rules the natal ASC and is in the natal IC, the house of endings.

A chronocrator that is not at all favorable for health and life.

Profections for 1971 - Norma Fontenla

In the transits and secondary progressions for the date of the event, we see that transiting Saturn is exactly over the progressed ASC; Jupiter, natal rH8, transits over the progressed DESC, in natal House 8, conjunct Neptune, which is on the cusp of that house (death in the water?); transiting Uranus, conjunct Lilith, makes a partile opposition to natal Uranus, (plane crash); transiting Pluto, conjunct progressed Venus (rH1) (which we find in H4 in the natal), is making a square to the natal Jupiter rC8/Sun rH4 conjunction, of the endings...

There is more, but this is enough to paint a very coherent picture of what happened.


Transits and secondary progressions for NF 10.10.1971


To continue, we take Norma Fontenla's 1971 Solar Return and see that her ASC falls on the natal H11, in Aries. Mars, her ruler, is in the H11 of the SR, over the natal 10, making a square to natal Mars, in the 1.

RS Pluto is conjunct the H7 of the RS (where one is going) and is, along with Mars, ruler of the natal 7. Bad omens for a trip.

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of SR is the square between SR Uranus with natal Saturn, from H6 to 9. Again a typical constellation found in this type of catastrophe and already present in the natal.

We also see a square between Neptune / RS Jupiter with natal Neptune, from H8 to 4 (it has to do with death in water, for sure).

And also a square between natal Neptune, in the 4th, (house of endings) and RS Saturn, in the 2nd, which in turn is in opposition to RS Neptune/Jupiter, on the cusp of the 8th.

The cited aspects of Mars and Saturn, activate those already in the natal chart: Saturn square to the cusp of H12, to Uranus and opposition Sun; Uranus square Venus, rASC and in the H4, of the endings.

In other words, the signs of a plane crash (Uranus) and death in the water (Neptune) are reiterated several times.


RS 1971 by Norma Fontenla

As a culmination, we found remarkable coincidences between NF's ascentional chart and the ascentional transit at the time of death, which occurred a few minutes after takeoff.

With this transit we can try to rectify the time of his death.


NF's ascentional chart and ascentional transit for the possible moment of his death

In this ascentional chart we can see that at 7:08 p.m. on 10.10.1971 there is a quincunx aspect between Mars (from the transit) and natal Saturn, both with a distance of 25º to the MC.

This aspect triggers, as well as the SR, the natal contacts between Saturn and the cusp of the 12th (ruled by Mars), the Saturn/Uranus square and the Saturn/Sun opposition. The latter is ruler of the 4, of the endings, where we find Venus, rASC.

Thus we can consider that, if the first card, that of the fatal event, were an elective, it would be well rooted with the natal of Norma Fontenla, the hypothetical querent.

We could also add the birth chart of José Neglia, Norma Fontenla's main partner in her artistic activity, and we would find many coincidences with the event's chart.

This is his birth chart (always taking the astrogemetric degree of his name as Ascendant, since I did not find his birth time).

In order not to make this article too long, I will leave the analysis of it for another occasion.


Natal chart of José Neglia, born on 2.04.1929, at 19:59:40 hs. (The Ascendant is the astrogematric degree of his name)

I will only make a couple of considerations:

JN's ASC (Joseph Neglia) is conjunct the event's H8 cusp; his Pluto falls on the event's IC cusp, almost at the midpoint between the Moon and the Part of Fortuna; his Sun makes an opposition to the event's Sun, and is conjunct Chiron and the event's H12 cusp; JN's natal Pluto is conjunct the event's 12th cusp.

I think we can glimpse remarkable contacts between the two charts.

It is usually said that when we get on a plane, on a ship, together with hundreds or thousands of people, or if we are in the place where an atomic bomb falls, our natal chart is somehow deactivated, at the mercy of the "global destiny", superior, which would acquire priority.

But with these two examples we can see that, at least in this case, it is not so. Both dancers (we could analyze everyone's chart) have in their charts marked coincidences with the fatal moment of the accident.

I add for further illustration the ascentional chart of JN and the ascentional transit at the time of his death in the river.

In his case this transit occurs at 7:18 p.m., shortly after Norma Fontenla's death, and it is a conjunction Sun (natal) / Pluto (by ascentional transit), both at 64º in the second quadrant.

In JN's natal chart the Sun, which rules the 10th, is in the 6th house, in square to Pluto, in the 9th, which rules the Ascendant in Scorpio. Pluto is still, with a somewhat wide orb, conjunct Mars, ruler of the 6th and has a counter-parallel with Saturn, ruler of the 4th, of endings. The Moon in Capricorn, ruler of Pluto and Mars in Cancer, in the 9th, makes a separative opposition to Pluto, from the 3rd, the house of short journeys. We see that there are quite a few ecliptic transits that confirm and support the ascentional transit and its fatal effects.



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